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Orders are shipped between 1-4 days after placing the order and typically arrive between 3-5 business days. You will receive an email once the item has shipped. We love what we do and typically ship everyday of the week, including Saturdays.
Missing or Delayed Packages
Please give a few days for a packaged that has been marked "delivered" to arrive, because while rare, occasionally the USPS system is inaccurate. If your package is stolen, please contact USPS as once the package is out of my hands, I have no control over it.
Invalid Address
Please double and triple check your address to ensure it is 100% correct. BB Wild ships to the exact address provided and cannot be held responsible for lost packages due to address error.
Are the glass cups dishwasher safe?
All glass cups are professionally printed and dishwasher safe.
Are the stickers waterproof?
All stickers are 2-4 year weatherproof and can withstand cars, dishwashers, and everything else you can think of.